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Monday, February 25, 2008

Pad Thai Pad Thai Pad Thai

Well, a Macbook Pro saved the day for Jenny and I on Saturday night, when we embarked on making pad thai. Sure, holding up the laptop above a sizzling hot wok is not really advised, but how else are you going to get a picture like this?

So how did we make this wonderful dish, you might ask? Jenny found this blogger's step-by-step instructions which proved very helpful throughout the process. I'd say the first time is the hardest, but by the second batch, it's all gravy. Pad thai...gravy.


Unknown said...

"how else are you going to get a picture like this?"

an actual camera!

Michael Wyszomierski said...

Ahhh! Nelson beat me to it! That was my same thought!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pad Thai Pad Thai Pad Thai

Well, a Macbook Pro saved the day for Jenny and I on Saturday night, when we embarked on making pad thai. Sure, holding up the laptop above a sizzling hot wok is not really advised, but how else are you going to get a picture like this?

So how did we make this wonderful dish, you might ask? Jenny found this blogger's step-by-step instructions which proved very helpful throughout the process. I'd say the first time is the hardest, but by the second batch, it's all gravy. Pad thai...gravy.


Unknown said...

"how else are you going to get a picture like this?"

an actual camera!

Michael Wyszomierski said...

Ahhh! Nelson beat me to it! That was my same thought!