- I am obsessed with the Dim Sum from Lag Late Nite. It's just deep fried dumplings that aren't incredibly good, but for some reason, they're addictive and the best thing on the menu for a late snack. I just ate 12 and I'll wake up in the morning regretting it.
- It's nice to see old friends. I haven't seen much of Anna all of last quarter, so I stopped by in Roble tonight. Catching up with her was nice, especially hearing about where she's hoping to go to graduate school, plans for the future, and what not.
- My thoughts on Asian American identity, politics, and race have definitely progressed throughout the past few years. As a Senior, I can really reflect, especially during the conversation we had today in my Asian American stereotypes class, about how my views have become very intellectualized, but also more clearly articulated and thought out. And more importantly, the questions we discuss are things I find myself passionate about.
- Children of Men is a really good movie. As in, the cinematography is excellent and it's an emotional rollercoaster. I definitely recommend watching it.
- The men's basketball Pac-10 conference is so deep - UCLA, Washington State, Stanford, USC, Oregon, and Arizona. Wow. Stanford has a tough road trip this week, taking on Washington State and Washington. If they can pull it off, I really think we'll seal the deal for an NCAA appearance.
- Somethingawful continues to impress me: