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Thursday, December 20, 2007

<3 my new headphones

Oh hell yes. I finally got noise canceling headphones. This was something I've wanted for many years, especially after taking countless plane rides during college from Stanford to St. Louis, and getting off the plane really grumpy because some baby was crying and because the plane engine is just so noisy! I guess it really does drive me a little nuts when a middle school group traveling to China runs up and down the aisles while you're trying to rest. So, in preparation for my next trip home, I finally pulled the trigger and bought some Audio-Technica noise canceling headphones:

And already after one day of work, I can tell they make a huge difference. At work I felt more productive, and less distracted from the noise around me. I think it was really good, because I sit right next to a busy meeting room, where the constant in and out of people causes me to always look up and see what's going on. It's my instinct to look around to see what's happening, but now that there's no noise to cue me, I can pay attention to my work. Flying is never something I enjoy, but I know it will be 10 times better now that I don't have to listen to lots of background noise when I fly back to St. Louis.

Of course, my manager had to wave for a few seconds to get my attention at the end of the day. I expect to get hit a few times for people to get my attention. =)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My cover has been blown

My fellow employees have found this blog. There goes my freedom of expression =(

Monday, December 17, 2007

Cool countdown

Sunday, December 16, 2007

When Jenny's gone...

I become very bored and lonely.

For a little background info, Jenny has left for a trip to Asia, where she will work in the Google Tokyo office for a few days before hopping over to Qingdao to see her Grandparents. I, in the meantime, am continuing the work thing in Mountain View, and attempting amuse myself while she's gone.

Some things I've done:

- Played video games: Probably about 24 hours worth during the weekend. I got a game called "Just Cause" for Xbox 360, which is just like the Grand Theft Auto series. You fly around a gorgeous island, completing missions to overthrow the government and grabbing territory from drug lords and corrupt government officials. While the quest for 1000 Xbox achievements points continues on that game, I have only left the house to do the following...

- Eat - at Google...three of my four meals were there. Well, I only drove their twice. On Saturday I got enough chipotle BBQ pork loin to last through dinner. And Saturday was some thai chicken. Very very good!

- Gym - I'm proud to say I went. Made me feel worthwhile.

- Shop - took my butt out to get some clothes I really didn't need. I went to Express Men at Valley Fair and bought two pairs of jeans and a t-shirt. I also stopped by Old Navy and got some socks and boxers. That made the trip worth it.

So what will I do the rest of this week? I've done all my Christmas shopping, so it will be more of the same. Work, gym, video games. Gotta get it all out of my system before Jenny comes back!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

<3 my new headphones

Oh hell yes. I finally got noise canceling headphones. This was something I've wanted for many years, especially after taking countless plane rides during college from Stanford to St. Louis, and getting off the plane really grumpy because some baby was crying and because the plane engine is just so noisy! I guess it really does drive me a little nuts when a middle school group traveling to China runs up and down the aisles while you're trying to rest. So, in preparation for my next trip home, I finally pulled the trigger and bought some Audio-Technica noise canceling headphones:

And already after one day of work, I can tell they make a huge difference. At work I felt more productive, and less distracted from the noise around me. I think it was really good, because I sit right next to a busy meeting room, where the constant in and out of people causes me to always look up and see what's going on. It's my instinct to look around to see what's happening, but now that there's no noise to cue me, I can pay attention to my work. Flying is never something I enjoy, but I know it will be 10 times better now that I don't have to listen to lots of background noise when I fly back to St. Louis.

Of course, my manager had to wave for a few seconds to get my attention at the end of the day. I expect to get hit a few times for people to get my attention. =)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My cover has been blown

My fellow employees have found this blog. There goes my freedom of expression =(

Monday, December 17, 2007

Cool countdown

Sunday, December 16, 2007

When Jenny's gone...

I become very bored and lonely.

For a little background info, Jenny has left for a trip to Asia, where she will work in the Google Tokyo office for a few days before hopping over to Qingdao to see her Grandparents. I, in the meantime, am continuing the work thing in Mountain View, and attempting amuse myself while she's gone.

Some things I've done:

- Played video games: Probably about 24 hours worth during the weekend. I got a game called "Just Cause" for Xbox 360, which is just like the Grand Theft Auto series. You fly around a gorgeous island, completing missions to overthrow the government and grabbing territory from drug lords and corrupt government officials. While the quest for 1000 Xbox achievements points continues on that game, I have only left the house to do the following...

- Eat - at Google...three of my four meals were there. Well, I only drove their twice. On Saturday I got enough chipotle BBQ pork loin to last through dinner. And Saturday was some thai chicken. Very very good!

- Gym - I'm proud to say I went. Made me feel worthwhile.

- Shop - took my butt out to get some clothes I really didn't need. I went to Express Men at Valley Fair and bought two pairs of jeans and a t-shirt. I also stopped by Old Navy and got some socks and boxers. That made the trip worth it.

So what will I do the rest of this week? I've done all my Christmas shopping, so it will be more of the same. Work, gym, video games. Gotta get it all out of my system before Jenny comes back!