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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Success! Traveling and Presenting

I had posted last week that I had purchased a pair of noise canceling headphones. During my flight to Chicago they turned out to be a blessing. My flight was delayed about 4 hours, so I sat in the airport and read the Kite Runner while having the noise canceling activated. It allowed me to concentrate better, and I think prevented me from being as fatigued because I didn't have to constantly hear all of the airport noise. So I highly recommend noise canceling headphones!

Of course, the transition from Chicago to St. Louis was a little hectic. We landed at 10:20 and my flight out to St. Louis was supposed to depart at 10:50. Once we landed I rushed out to my plane, running through the terminal as fast as I could. I had my backpack and carry-on bag with me, and got tired pretty quickly. But, when I turned the corner and saw the terminal lined with cots and people already getting ready to sleep, resigned to the fact that they would be spending the night there, I decided that there would be no way that I would spend the night in Chicago. So I ran and caught my plane - but of course, it wouldn't leave for another 45 minutes due to additional boarding of late passengers and bad weather.

Christmas was the first time our family had been together since June, and the first time I had been home to St. Louis since last December. Plenty of things had changed - the roads, the things in my home. Nonetheless, it was nice to catch up. My family loved the Google gear I got them =) So it was a successful holiday! And back to work on Thurdsay.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Success! Traveling and Presenting

I had posted last week that I had purchased a pair of noise canceling headphones. During my flight to Chicago they turned out to be a blessing. My flight was delayed about 4 hours, so I sat in the airport and read the Kite Runner while having the noise canceling activated. It allowed me to concentrate better, and I think prevented me from being as fatigued because I didn't have to constantly hear all of the airport noise. So I highly recommend noise canceling headphones!

Of course, the transition from Chicago to St. Louis was a little hectic. We landed at 10:20 and my flight out to St. Louis was supposed to depart at 10:50. Once we landed I rushed out to my plane, running through the terminal as fast as I could. I had my backpack and carry-on bag with me, and got tired pretty quickly. But, when I turned the corner and saw the terminal lined with cots and people already getting ready to sleep, resigned to the fact that they would be spending the night there, I decided that there would be no way that I would spend the night in Chicago. So I ran and caught my plane - but of course, it wouldn't leave for another 45 minutes due to additional boarding of late passengers and bad weather.

Christmas was the first time our family had been together since June, and the first time I had been home to St. Louis since last December. Plenty of things had changed - the roads, the things in my home. Nonetheless, it was nice to catch up. My family loved the Google gear I got them =) So it was a successful holiday! And back to work on Thurdsay.