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Sunday, February 03, 2008

The end of me

I just signed up for Yelp.

It's highly addictive. This will be the end of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why is 5ive serving fajitas tonight? does it not know that it's a doomed effort? andale fajitas are incomparable! and their burritos!

i can't believe u yelped KFC. im fairly sure no one will try looking up KFC on yelp before they make a decision to go get its chicken. might want to just blog about it instead under "Superbowl tips"

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The end of me

I just signed up for Yelp.

It's highly addictive. This will be the end of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why is 5ive serving fajitas tonight? does it not know that it's a doomed effort? andale fajitas are incomparable! and their burritos!

i can't believe u yelped KFC. im fairly sure no one will try looking up KFC on yelp before they make a decision to go get its chicken. might want to just blog about it instead under "Superbowl tips"