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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dumpling Time!

If I had one last meal before I died, I would choose a heaping portion of dumplings. I'm not sure what the allure of dumplings is for me, but there's something very satisfying about popping a bite-sized dough-wrapped moon-shaped shrimp/pork/etc dumpling in your mouth. Maybe it's because I was deprived of them as a child. And now that I'm an adult, I can eat as much as I want. I swear I'm a little piggy when it comes to these.

Jenny's been telling me for awhile that she wanted to make dumplings just like her parents and I've been a big supporter, especially since visiting her in Texas was basically dumpling heaven for two meals. So, finally, this weekend, I present to you, my faithful audience, photographic proof of some successful dumpling making!

Making dumplings is not that hard. We had some left-over shrimp from some amazing pad thai we made on Saturday (sigh, no pictures for proof...that dish deserved its own post) and after removing the veins and shell, we combined it with chives, eggs and salt. That mixture is then placed inside dumpling wrappers (while watching the Oscars, of course).

You have to be careful not to put too much in, or the wrapper won't close.

The dumpling is pinched on all sides to ensure it does not open when placed in hot water.


Ready for boiling!

Placing them in the hot water.

The finished product.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just bought dumplings from trader joe's today. (shrimp too) now i'm excited.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dumpling Time!

If I had one last meal before I died, I would choose a heaping portion of dumplings. I'm not sure what the allure of dumplings is for me, but there's something very satisfying about popping a bite-sized dough-wrapped moon-shaped shrimp/pork/etc dumpling in your mouth. Maybe it's because I was deprived of them as a child. And now that I'm an adult, I can eat as much as I want. I swear I'm a little piggy when it comes to these.

Jenny's been telling me for awhile that she wanted to make dumplings just like her parents and I've been a big supporter, especially since visiting her in Texas was basically dumpling heaven for two meals. So, finally, this weekend, I present to you, my faithful audience, photographic proof of some successful dumpling making!

Making dumplings is not that hard. We had some left-over shrimp from some amazing pad thai we made on Saturday (sigh, no pictures for proof...that dish deserved its own post) and after removing the veins and shell, we combined it with chives, eggs and salt. That mixture is then placed inside dumpling wrappers (while watching the Oscars, of course).

You have to be careful not to put too much in, or the wrapper won't close.

The dumpling is pinched on all sides to ensure it does not open when placed in hot water.


Ready for boiling!

Placing them in the hot water.

The finished product.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just bought dumplings from trader joe's today. (shrimp too) now i'm excited.