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Monday, February 12, 2007

I need to...

...control my spending. This weekend, I purchased an iPod shuffle. I did need one, since my iPod had broken and buying a new battery for it would have been a little less than buying a new shuffle. But, coming up is dinner at Il Fornaio for Valentine's Day and Viennese Ball on Friday. I guess I'll have to win back all my money at Las Vegas this Spring Break.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

I need to...

...control my spending. This weekend, I purchased an iPod shuffle. I did need one, since my iPod had broken and buying a new battery for it would have been a little less than buying a new shuffle. But, coming up is dinner at Il Fornaio for Valentine's Day and Viennese Ball on Friday. I guess I'll have to win back all my money at Las Vegas this Spring Break.

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