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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reworking my tags

When I first started this blog, I thought about tagging posts with whatever subject they were about. I never really thought much about organization - that maybe if I just wrote enough, there would be enough overlap. From a readers' perspective, however, everything was too specific that the purpose of tags - which I believe to be some simple organization based on a common theme or subject, was lost.

So, I've spent some time going over my old posts and decided on the following tags from hereon out:

Biking - road and mountain
Blog - posts related to updating this this one!
Check this out - news articles or video clips I recommend you take a look at
Food - for posts related to restaurants I've recently eaten at
Games - Xbox360 and other stuff
Google - stuff about the greatest search engine ever
History - at one point I was a history major
Travel - places I've been/want to go to
Meta - personal life related posts aka the 'Dear Diary' stuff
Music - live bands or recordings
Photography - pictures I've taken
Politics - various political related posts
Prius - since I drive one, maybe this will have some future use
Sports - self explanatory
Work - things related to working

I'll be adding a tag area to the right side navigation of my blog, in case you're ever interested in sorting posts based by each tag.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reworking my tags

When I first started this blog, I thought about tagging posts with whatever subject they were about. I never really thought much about organization - that maybe if I just wrote enough, there would be enough overlap. From a readers' perspective, however, everything was too specific that the purpose of tags - which I believe to be some simple organization based on a common theme or subject, was lost.

So, I've spent some time going over my old posts and decided on the following tags from hereon out:

Biking - road and mountain
Blog - posts related to updating this this one!
Check this out - news articles or video clips I recommend you take a look at
Food - for posts related to restaurants I've recently eaten at
Games - Xbox360 and other stuff
Google - stuff about the greatest search engine ever
History - at one point I was a history major
Travel - places I've been/want to go to
Meta - personal life related posts aka the 'Dear Diary' stuff
Music - live bands or recordings
Photography - pictures I've taken
Politics - various political related posts
Prius - since I drive one, maybe this will have some future use
Sports - self explanatory
Work - things related to working

I'll be adding a tag area to the right side navigation of my blog, in case you're ever interested in sorting posts based by each tag.

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