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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reality Check for East Palo Alto

When I told my co-workers that I lived in East Palo Alto for the first time, they were all surprised; some asked if I thought I was safe while others jokingly asked if I had ever been shot at. I've realized that it's not the best neighborhood, but I've found it pleasant. No problems with neighbors (they even have some nice children who run up and down the street) and I have my own bedroom/bathroom all to myself. Rent is cheap and I have ample parking in our driveway or the street.

Well, so much for that.

This weekend, MLK weekend, of all weekends, East Palo Alto was hit with three major crimes. A murder. A vandalism of an elementary school. A shoot-out leaving one man wounded. All, just a few blocks from where I live.

It's pretty scary stuff. I drive by the intersection everyday where the murder occurred. Last Thurdsay, I recall seeing police cars and paramedics at a blocked off area of the road where it all happened, probably an hour after the murder. To think, if I had left one hour earlier, I could have been caught at the intersection when the drive-by happened. But, what baffles me is that the next day, at that same intersection, life is back to normal. Kids are playing out in the streets. People walking around like nothing happened.

People move on. Life has to go on, or nothing would be normal.

The question, I am currently confronted with, is if I can or should continue to live here. I have the means to move out. Should I fear for my own safety? I'm not completely certain of my decision yet, but I'm willing to stick things out until my contract ends in August. My understanding is that these crimes have been committed by people outside of EPA. My housemate mentioned that some people are getting out of jail and settling old scores. If it's a one-off thing, then I think I'll be okay. If it keep up, however, I think I would seriously consider moving.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reality Check for East Palo Alto

When I told my co-workers that I lived in East Palo Alto for the first time, they were all surprised; some asked if I thought I was safe while others jokingly asked if I had ever been shot at. I've realized that it's not the best neighborhood, but I've found it pleasant. No problems with neighbors (they even have some nice children who run up and down the street) and I have my own bedroom/bathroom all to myself. Rent is cheap and I have ample parking in our driveway or the street.

Well, so much for that.

This weekend, MLK weekend, of all weekends, East Palo Alto was hit with three major crimes. A murder. A vandalism of an elementary school. A shoot-out leaving one man wounded. All, just a few blocks from where I live.

It's pretty scary stuff. I drive by the intersection everyday where the murder occurred. Last Thurdsay, I recall seeing police cars and paramedics at a blocked off area of the road where it all happened, probably an hour after the murder. To think, if I had left one hour earlier, I could have been caught at the intersection when the drive-by happened. But, what baffles me is that the next day, at that same intersection, life is back to normal. Kids are playing out in the streets. People walking around like nothing happened.

People move on. Life has to go on, or nothing would be normal.

The question, I am currently confronted with, is if I can or should continue to live here. I have the means to move out. Should I fear for my own safety? I'm not completely certain of my decision yet, but I'm willing to stick things out until my contract ends in August. My understanding is that these crimes have been committed by people outside of EPA. My housemate mentioned that some people are getting out of jail and settling old scores. If it's a one-off thing, then I think I'll be okay. If it keep up, however, I think I would seriously consider moving.

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